Suffering from health anxiety, or been through medical trauma?
What even are they?
Health Anxiety is what unhelpfully used to be called hypochondria. It's that deep-seated, genuine, and often distressing fear that even seemingly mild symptoms can be signs of something devastating.
It leads sufferers to mistrust medical advice and either keep seeking extra tests and reassurance or avoid medical professionals altogether.
Medical Trauma has three main strands (though there is often overlap):
1) You've been through awful health experiences due to your condition or complications of it. You suffer horribly from long-term illnesses or after injuries and are expected to just get with it while often grieving your past self.
2) You've had a bad Healthcare experience (not necessarily a severe medical condition, though it often is). You or your relatives may complain or seek legal redress to (attempt to) right the wrong. Often, the system seems uncaring and acts slowly, so you can feel stuck and unable to move forward or even keep going.
3) You might have a condition like FND (Functional Neurological Disorder), IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), or a condition which is part of the group of Medical Unexplained Symptoms.
There are conditions like Long Covid and PANDA(S) where they are partially medically explained, but even reaching that point has taken sustained pressure from sufferers and families.
You often feel dismissed, or your symptoms and experiences played down.
When no (apparent) medical cause is found, you can feel abandoned or dismissed, question yourself, and feel judged.
How will it help me?
The details on the next pages will help you see your potential transformational journey and how you'll become unstuck and start to move forward.
You'll get to spend your time doing what YOU want.
You'll be able to live free of intrusive thoughts about symptoms being devastating illnesses.
This coaching is for YOUR benefit - to get YOUR life back.
It's not to help others or reduce medical appointments, or stop you from pursuing legal action.
You're stuck and isolated and often want somewhere to feel safe before joining a program.
This is a safe place; we'll work together to help you gently regain control and find your new direction.
You'll get time and headspace back - hell, you'll look ten years younger!
You can't wish or think your way through this - you've tried all that.
Let me help unlock the door(s) to your new life.
Imposter Syndrome & Living Authentically
Most of us suffer from Imposter Syndrome at some point (they say 70% but I've met very few professionals who never have).
Most professionals hide it from others (who in turn hide it from them).
There's a huge cost, though - it saps our energy like a dementor to maintain our protective wall or facade. We could be using that energy on our family and friends and pursuing things we really WANT to do.
Whether that's to write a book, travel the world or learn salsa, that's up to you!
Imposter Syndrome also exponentially increases our risk of burnout and breakdown. In some professions, moral injury may also act as a further catalyst.
This coaching is particularly focused on what can be taken off your plate and instantly relieves burdens rather than adding extra things for you to do.
So take a breath and reach out.
Think how free you'd feel.
Imagine getting to live your authentic life FINALLY.
What's stopping you?​​​
Do you want to be stuck in the same pattern a year from now? Last year, you had the excuse that you didn't know there was anything that would help. Not anymore!