The CaramoCare Family
Transforming Lives Daily
Children have medical issues, psychological issues & a combination of the two.
So it makes sense to treat them together.
Migraies, tics, FND are all affected by psychology.
CaramoCare treats the medical and psychological together.
It also offers bespoke Private Paediatric packages, including on call & in your home.
Consultant Concierge Medicine for Children
A completely new approach to Paediatrics.
Struggling to access GP care or Paediatric Care?
Wishing it was just easy and you had a doctor you could trust who just cuts through all of the normal fear and frustration to get the right care quickly?
This is Concierge Paediatrics - your own personal Paediatrician (me!) at your fingertips. You just contact me directly when needed after subscribing to a yearly plan. Me rather than a receptionist or call centre.
I greatly limit the numbers of people who have my personal number to those where we get on well and then subscribe.
Other shorter options are available via my normal business number.
Contact for further information & we can start working together!