The CaramoCare Family
Transforming Lives Daily
Children have medical issues, psychological issues & a combination of the two.
So it makes sense to treat them together.
Migraies, tics, FND are all affected by psychology.
CaramoCare treats the medical and psychological together.
It also offers bespoke Private Paediatric packages, including on call & in your home.
School Counsellors & Nurses
I know just how under pressure Mental Health Services are
You are supporting those struggling the most - desperately trying to keep them in school
You deal with the sickest, the most vulnerable & hardest hit families
This must be mentally exhausting in itself let alone the anguish of knowing that however much they struggle right now it may not be enough to access CAMHS care
There isn't really much else out there except charities & parenting classes
What if a proportion of those currently rejected could access help elsewhere?
Solution Focused Therapy is well-established & Southport is it's near epicentre
(I have supervision from Dr Dominic Bray)
I have also done the Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Course & The Blast Technique Course were managed elsewhere?
Think how much better you'd feel if there really was someone else who could help
We could keep these young people in school, help them thrive & realise their dreams