This is what most of us think when we think of a Concierge = we won’t all have ever stayed anywhere who has one or even picked up the courage to speak to them if we have.
This New York Times article describes how best to use a Concierge and many of these principles apply to Healthcare.
You won’t see me in a sharp suit like this looking a bit intimidating for a start! Ut really can take courage to go and ask for things.
CaramoCare makes it easy.
You can pay-as-you-go and will usually get really quick answers and appointments.
The Concierge or VIP part to CaramoCare is different to that.
You pay an annual fee which includes some routine care. Doing this gets you my personal phone number which you can use anytime. (There are charges for out of hours advice).
So unlike most Healthcare you are straight through to me (no receptionists or booking teams in between).
You might be a family that wants this security just in case.
You might be a family who already access specialty (or even super-specialty) care and who wish they had Paediatric advice easily accessible day-to-day.
Paediatric Gastroenterology / ME or long Covid Clinics / Pain or Rheumatology or Allergy Clinics often are hugely overstretched for example.
You might want all of your care at your convenience outside of the NHS.
What is important is that we get along and quickly build trust for you to feel supported.
This service is for any issue anytime. It isn’t designed however for families who are very (very) frequent attenders to healthcare services (even if they are willing to pay for that).
So just imagine, you want advice quickly and you are probably having big time pressures yourself.
What is you and a Paediatric Emergency Consultant on speed dial?
Be honest, that has top be a game-changer.
So reach out if it might be for you - don’t be nervous - I’m dead chatty and we will have a lovely chat whether or not you decide to sign up. I look forward to catching up with you!