Paediatricians & Other Specialists
I know just how under pressure many (probably all) specialists are
This is most obvious in gastroenterology, allergies, & ME clinics for example
Some specialties take on all of a child's day-2-day care
Many don't want to and parents come back to them with everyday decisions
How much extra time and headspace would you have if some of these patients were managed elsewhere?
Ok where might I be able to help?
1) Paediatric patients waiting for appointments or preferring Private secondary or tertiary)
2) Patients waiting for super-specialist or who fall between 1y/2y or 2y/3y care for day-2-day care
2) Patients referred for bloods and long wait
3) Patients who need Mental Health Support especially with long-term conditions or Mental Health issues per se
4) Patients who would like all-encompassing care & a direct line to Paediatrician - see CaramoCare
5) Patients where it has become more difficult or things feel stuck
6) Frequent attenders where medical treatment alone isn't quite enough
I'm sure there will be many many more!
I also see adults and one area of specialism is patients who feel the Health System has treated them unfairly to help them live life as fully as they can or parents who are struggling or have health anxiety themselves.
Please reach out using any of the methods below
I want to establish relationships with as many of you as possible